Opportunities for ROTC Cadets

Cadet Command Summer Program

ROTC Cadets work onsite at ARL with a mentor on real-world Army research in foundational research competencies. Cadets receive cadet pay providing they are on Active Duty for Training orders for 28 consecutive days. Cadet Command handles transportation and lodging.

Duration: Summer (6 weeks)
Apply: Via your chain of command to Cadet Command

DEVCOM ARL Summer Student Experience

Provides opportunities for select scientists, engineers and STEM students (B.S. – Ph.D.) to engage in their choice of research problems that are compatible with or contribute to ARL research efforts. ARL can offer a stipend, health insurance stipend supplement, relocation allowance and travel allowance.

Duration: Summer
Apply: https://orau.org/arlfellowship/applicants/how-to-apply-summer-student-experience.htm

National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG) Fellowship Program

Portable fellowship that allows recipients to pursue a Ph.D.  in one of 15 designated disciplines. NDSEG confers high honors upon its recipients, and allows them to attend whichever U.S. institution they choose. NDSEG pays full tuition, required fees, and a monthly stipend.

Duration: 3 year
Apply: https://ndseg.sysplus.com

Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) Apprenticeships and Fellowships

Gain first-hand exposure to the cutting-edge research that’s happening in top university labs and U.S. Army Research Laboratories and Centers. Work under the mentorship of a professional scientist or engineer, learn about paths in your STEM field of interest, and develop the tools you need to get there. Apprentices (undergraduates) receive a stipend; Fellows (graduate students) receive a stipend and may be eligible for tuition.

Duration: Year-Round or Summer
Apply: https://www.usaeop.com/apprenticeships-fellowships/

Research Associateship Program (RAP)

Provides opportunities for select STEM students (B.S. – Ph.D.) to engage in their choice of research problems that are compatible with or contribute to ARL research efforts.

Duration: Flexible, ranges from weeks up to a year, renewable up to 3 years
Apply: http://orau.org/arlfellowship or http://sites.nationalacademies.org/pga/rap/


Additional resources, apprenticeships, fellowships, and scholarships from across the Department of Defense and all military branches.

Apply: https://dodstem.us

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