
ARL Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) forms repository
A collection of forms necessary in order to fulfill your obligations to submit a proposal to the ARL Broad Agency Announcement.

Auditory Hazard Assessment Algorithm for Humans (AHAAH)
A mathematical model of the human auditory system that predicts the hazard from any free-field pressure and provides a visual display of the damage process as it is occurring.

Army Research Risk Assessment Protection Program (ARRP)
The Army Research Risk Assessment Protection Program (ARRP) is an effort to help identify and mitigate existing or potential risk of Conflicts of Commitment/Conflicts of Interest (CoC/CoI) in Army research grants and cooperative agreements.

Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)
The primary mission of the HRPP is to protect the safety, rights, and welfare of human subjects in research conducted under its purview. The HRPP ensures that all of DEVCOM ARL’s activities related to human subject research will be guided by the ethical principles set forth in the Belmont Report.

Laser Induced Spectroscopy (LIBS) Elemental Database
LIBS is a simple spark spectrochemical technique that has broad capability for chemical analysis. This is a non-exhaustive, representative sampling of references to elements which have been measured/identified by the LIBS technique and reported in the literature.

HPC Publications

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