Army AI Innovations Institute (A2I2) CRA
The objectives of the A2I2 CRA are to increase the skills, knowledge, and associations for DEVCOM ARL AI researchers, advance the research interests of related AI programs at ARL, and expand the reputation of ARL as a formidable center for AI research in the Army.
The mission of the A2I2 CRA is to enlist the help of some of the top artificial intelligence (AI) experts in the U.S. to solve Army problems using AI that support Expeditionary Maneuver and Air/Ground Reconnaissance. Some of the research thrusts include:
- Scene understanding for adversarial threats, degraded visual environments, and tracking of moving objects
- Robotics movement over rugged terrain requiring limited human engagement and correction
- Secure and informative data sharing among multiple autonomous systems and human collaborators

Program Structure
A2I2’s structure does not follow a traditional ARL Collaborative Research Alliance structure of using a managing partner to form a larger package of inter-connected collaborative agreements. Instead, A2I2 solicits independent proposals from different institutions and selects the individual proposals that fit within the spending cap. This produces independent proposals that cover a wide range of topical areas and tend to each align with the existing ARL programs that ARL reviewers aim to support. The structure therefore has the benefit of variety and direct support to ARL programs and transitions. Be sure to monitor ARL’s website and for future solicitations.
Technical Point of Contact:
Sean Gart
Period of Performance Start:
2 March 2020
Period of Performance End:
Not Accepting Applications
Eligibility Limitations: