Collaborate With Us
Groundbreaking advancements in science and technology at DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory are made possible through meaningful collaborations between Army researchers and members of the larger S&T ecosystem. In order to solve the Army’s toughest challenges, we welcome potential teammates in private industry, academia, and other domains around the world to reach out and explore new frontiers in Army Modernization with our highly experienced subject matter experts.
At DEVCOM ARL, Army scientists and engineers have many avenues for collaborating with outside partners including funding opportunities for scientific study and experimentation, partnership opportunities to support our ongoing research efforts, technology transfer programs, access to subject matter experts, and unique facilities to work together and solve the toughest Army challenges. Learn more about DEVCOM ARL collaboration avenues below. For laboratory support, and other service contract listings, visit

ARL Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
The Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is a competitive solicitation procedure used to obtain proposals for basic and applied research and the part of development not related to the development of a specific system or hardware procurement.

Funded Research
View the various funding opportunities for cutting-edge innovative research that could enable new and improved Army operational capabilities and related technologies.
Featured Funding Research opportunity types:
- ARL Broad Agency Announcement
- Army xTech, SBIR/STTR Program
- DoD DURIP, MURI, REP Announcements
- Other Funding Opportunity Announcements

Collaborative Partnerships
Learn how DEVCOM ARL leverages unique skillsets and resources across academia, industry, and other government organizations both nationally and internationally to collaboratively address Army challenges and opportunities.
Featured Collaborative Partnership opportunity types:
- Collaborative Research Alliances (CRAs)
- International Collaborations
- Educational Partnerships

Technology Transfer
Technology Transfer programs promote and support the transfer of DEVCOM ARL-developed Intellectual Property from the laboratory to the private sector. Learn more about patent licensing, test service agreements, and Cooperative Research and Development Agreements used to establish strategic partnerships for the benefit of both DEVCOM ARL and the nation.
Featured Technology Transfer opportunity types:
- Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs)
- Patent Licensing
- Test Services
For general questions, submit an inquiry.