Completed Alliances
Cyber Security
The objective of the Cyber Security CRA was to develop a fundamental understanding of cyber phenomena, theories, and empirically validated models that can be applied to a broad range of Army domains, applications, and environments. The CRA brought together government, industry, and academia researchers to develop and advance the state of the art of cyber security in the following research thrust areas: “Agility Research” to develop theories and models to support planning and control of cyber maneuvers (in the space of network characteristics and topologies) that are influenced by fundamental properties of threats; “Learning for Deception” to develop theories and models that relate fundamental properties and capabilities of adaptive deception techniques for defense and mission resilience; and “Detection” to develop theories and models that relate properties and capabilities of cyber threat detection and recognition processes/mechanisms to properties of malicious activity, and properties of Army networks.
Materials in Extreme Dynamic Environments (MEDE)
The MEDE CRA was established to bring the best of advanced materials research and technology to form a comprehensive external and parallel internal basic research program in the area of multi-scale Materials in Extreme Dynamic Environments (MEDE). The objective of MEDE CRA was to establish the capability to design materials for use in specific dynamic environments, especially high strain-rate applications. Visit for additional details.
Multi-Scale Multidisciplinary Modeling of Electronic Materials (MSME)
The objective of the Multi-Scale Multidisciplinary Modeling of Electronic Materials CRA was to develop quantitative understanding of materials from the smallest to the largest relevant scales to advance the state of the art in electronic, optoelectronic and electrochemical materials and devices.
Advanced Decision Architectures Alliance
The purpose of the Advanced Decision Architectures Collaborative Technology Alliance was to design, test, and transition new cognitive and computer science innovations to facilitate better Soldier understanding of the tactical situation, more thorough evaluation of courses of action, and, ultimately, better and more timely decisions.
Advanced Sensors Alliance
The purpose of the Advanced Sensors Alliance Collaborative Technology Alliance was to develop affordable sensors that provide continuous situational awareness, rapid precise discrimination and targeting in all environments, and the ability to sense surroundings so as to navigate rapidly and defend oneself.
Communications and Networks Alliance
The purpose of the Communications and Networks Alliance Collaborative Technology Alliance was to develop technologies that enable a fully mobile, fully communicating, agile, situationally aware, and survivable lightweight force with Internetworked Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems. These wireless network technologies were required to operate with a heterogeneous mixture of individual Soldiers, ground vehicles, airborne platforms, unmanned aerial vehicles, robotics, and unattended ground sensor networks; and operate while on-the-move with a highly mobile network infrastructure, under severe bandwidth and energy constraints, while providing secure, jam-resistant communications in noisy hostile wireless environments.
Micro Autonomous Systems and Technology Alliance
To enhance tactical situational awareness in urban an4d complex terrain by enabling the autonomous operation of a collaborative ensemble of multifunctional, mobile microsystems through collaborative and multidisciplinary research.
Network Science Alliance
Brought together government, industry and academic institutions to perform foundational, cross-cutting research for a fundamental understanding of interactions, interdependencies, and common underlying science among multi-genre (social/cognitive, information, and communications) networks. Prediction and control of the composite behavior of these complex interacting networks to ultimately enhance effectiveness of Army systems and operations.
Power and Energy Alliance
The purpose of the Power and Energy Collaborative Technology Alliance was to advance fundamental sciences and understanding of efficient lightweight compact power and propulsion technologies needed for the individual Soldier, fuel-efficient vehicles and robotic platforms of the future Army.
Robotics Alliance
The purpose of the Robotics Collaborative Technology Alliance was to make research investments in the core technologies that support the Army’s autonomous mobility goals, advancing the state of the art in three critical areas:
- Develop perception technologies that allow robotic vehicles to understand their environment
- Develop intelligent control technologies enabling robotic systems to autonomously plan, execute, and monitor operational tasks undertaken in complex, tactical environments
- Develop human-machine interfaces that allow Soldiers to effectively task robotic systems and minimize operator workload
Cognition and Neuroergonomics Alliance
The purpose of the Cognition and Neuroergonomics Collaborative Technology Alliance was to conduct research and development leading to the demonstration of fundamental translational principles of the application of neuroscience-based research and theory to complex operational settings. These principles guide the development of technologies that work in harmony with the capabilities and limitations of the human nervous system.
Networks and Information Science
The Network and Information Sciences International Technology Alliance (ITA) is a bilateral cooperative technology agreement between ARL and the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence. The ITA brings together government, industry and academia to address the fundamental science underpinning the complex information network issues that are vital to future coalition military operations and engage the partners in a collaborative environment to fully exploit the joint development of emerging technologies. The ITA addresses some of the fundamental science underpinning the complex information network issues that are vital to future coalition military operations and engage the partners in a collaborative environment to fully exploit the joint development of emerging technologies.
Distributed Analytics and Information Science (DAIS)
The DAIS ITA program seeks to develop the fundamental underpinning research required to enable secure, dynamic, semantically-aware, distributed analytics for deriving situational understanding in coalition operations. Coalition operations are becoming increasingly prevalent and increasingly complex. Recent coalition operations are placing significantly greater burdens on the people and technologies that are deployed and coalitions are forced to counter adversaries that increasingly have access to advanced communications, information, and analytics technologies, necessitating coalition information superiority.